Saturday, November 19, 2011



I despise it -_-
Articles and videos treating protesters like they're less than human. Using cruel and unusual punishment (amendment....) on protesters, like dousing them with pepper spray and then having Congress declare it "healthy for the protesters", because pepper spray is a vegetable -______-" Just take money away from "defense", the army, welfare (because we know people abuse the shit outta that program anyway), the 1%, and everybody stfu. Why do people gotta be haters and cause controversy. I understand the issue when it comes to immigration and marijuana, because it affects everyone in different ways. But abortion and gay rights? Let people make their own decisions, live their own lives, and do whatever they want. Heh. I guess if I had to categorize myself, I'd be a liberal. But I think after this rant, I'm just gonna stay out of politics. It's kind of obvious that the majority feel that the government isn't doing its job. Let's all become communists hohoho just kidding. My parents ran away from that type of gov., too.

Politics, in every way and every division, is corrupt.
 People who are in power, abuse their power to some degree. It's human nature. There's no way around it. That's why I didn't like ASB and never applied to be in it again, after spending my entire sophomore year in that class.
Sigh. Can't we all just get along?