Kelly Kovacic. Daughter of the mayor of Arcadia. Government teacher. One of the final four for the National Teacher Award. Teacher at the Preuss School UCSD. National Honors Society advisor. Total oadshfoahsdf.
I don't understand why she blames me for everything. I'm one of the officers, fine. I'm an officer in the Group B, the group that's running the canned food drive right now. Fine. But she gave me an hour lecture. She put everything on me. She called me out in front of every NHS member. She told me to resign from my position because she said I'm not capable. Really? Well, if she does do something, I'm not going down without a fight. I'm tired of standing there listening to her put me down and not being able to do anything about it.
I talked to some people and teachers about it and they all say "sorry you had to go through that", but I don't know what to do from here. I won't go into the borderline criminal things I would LIKE to do to her, and instead focus on what I SHOULD do. I don't understand why she had to pick on me. Group A officers totally shirked their Battle of the Batteries event, putting the weight totally on the other officers. Why isn't she blaming them?
E's right, she needs to get laid. Reeeeeeeeeal badly. And even if there is the slightest chance that someone is already doing it; they're not doing a very good job.
She doesn't care about NHS. It's not even on her list of jobs that she has. She's probably only the advisor so that she can put it on her national teacher resume. Ugh. She disgusts me. She tells people to email her if they're going to be absent so that she can excuse them and let them make up the reading quiz. But when someone is absent too many times (for good reasons, like a tournament or college visits), she claims that the rule doesn't apply anymore. Even though her syllabus says that the rule stands. She gives people an entire letter grade lower because SHE forgot to input a big grade, even though they have proof from that they submitted it on time. Incompetent. Don't assign a shit load of work that YOU can't even keep up with. Stupid bitch. She doesn't care about anyone. For the NHS scholarship, she deliberately kept me in the dark about it and didn't send the notification to only me. I still knew about it and gave her a folder. Yet she told all the other candidates who applied that she completed the rec and to finish their application. Except me. So I had no idea if she finished her part so I scrambled to get my part done anyway. If she didn't want to write that stupid rec for me (and I had no choice but to ask her because it HAD to be the NHS advisor), she shoulda said so. Who's not living up to their responsibilities now, Kelly? She never told us about the conditions on the canned food drive that the principle set, even though she should have gotten the approval sheet back from administration. And the principle told us himself and now we have to change the process we previously agreed on. Who's failing, Kelly? And she had the audacity to blame me. The worst kind of leader = a person who pretends to be a leader while they use sweet words and never apologize for their own mistakes. She's more like a tyrant than a teacher.
She threatens us with "you guys disappoint me" and "you're supposed to be a leader" (without teaching like she's supposed to, she just gives me a goal, a threat--a long threat at that--and makes me go on my way). She says "oh, what makes you think you can wear the gold sash at graduation" fine, bitch, I won't wear it. She's always a bitch, mean, politically correct and fake. Her smiles are all fake and her laugh is always "polite" at best. I hate fake people. I hate people who skirt around the issue and phrase things nicely, even though their true meaning is disgusting. Kovacic is such a fake. Always putting people down for making the slightest mistake. So many people hate her but we can't do anything. How has she become such a powerful figure at Preuss? She even coerced the other teachers into giving less homework BECAUSE she's giving so much that they feel bad for us. I don't care about her class. If she gives me one of those voting registration forms, I'm just gonna tear them up and throw them in the trash.
She said if I was in the group that was planning the event, shouldn't I be excited? the fuck, who the fuck is she to tell me how I should act? I'm not an excited person by birth. Don't fucking tell me when to smile. For someone who teaches that free speech and freedom to petition is a fundamental law, she sure is good at suppressing freedom. Hypocrite.
I'm 17 years old. I'm still learning. I've made mistakes. I'll change and grow at my own pace. What's her excuse, Ms. I graduated from Stanford?