"No! No. No. No. NO." was what Amaris said when I asked her if I should give a certain boy a chance. She knows him too, so I asked her for her opinion. "He doesn't go to college. And I think that you need an intellectual guy."
Haha. She realizes things about me that I haven't even seen yet. She's right. Him and I are in two different worlds. Nothing arrogant or anything like that. I just honestly think that we wouldn't have anything to talk about, after the "ahmahgahhwe'retogetherwheeeelet'sflirtandblahblahblah" stage is over.
I'm sad that we get on each other's nerves a lot (Amaris and I) D: We're both busy and stressed. But that shouldn't be a reason? We've always been harsh on each other. I don't know why. But maybe the reason that I'm so mean to her IS precisely because we're so close that I don't have to put on a fake smile as much as I do when conversing with other people. Lalala. Just a reflection on today.
And fucking 7th grade boys. I tutor them in Life Science and OH MY GOD all they talk about are dicks and vaginas and shit like that. They can't concentrate on their work. It's like that's ALL THEY THINK ABOUT. Ugh! I want to be a teacher, but I need to be a college professor. But that means lots of accomplishments and degrees under my belt before I can teach at that level. Sigh.