J.K. Rowling...worth billions of dollars and has created the most intricately thought out fictional series in the world. Stephanie Meyers...people say she can't write, but I've learned to appreciate her simplistic style of story telling. Toni Morrison makes weaving social, sexual, racial and economic inequalities together seem...easy.
"The average person has a total of 3 careers (not jobs, careers) throughout their entire life."
Excuse me for trying to plan out my entire future (to the day I want to be euphanized at age...70ish because I would rather die than be cooped up in a nursing home). So I'll take a degree in something interesting, but stable, and minor in Literature. Then I'll do what my major is, then retire after 10 years and be a teacher. Then retire early as a teacher and write, write, write, read, read, read :) Maybe start a business or go back to school to get a business administration degree somewhere along the road.
Wheeeeeeeeee. I feel calmer now.