Our last game was today. It feels so weird, to be seniors and to be the ones receiving the bouquet from coach and have all that pressure to do my best because I know that it's my last game, probably ever, because I'm no where good enough to play college volleyball.
It's sad, not because we lost, but because I reflected on everything after the game and it hit me that Volleyball meant so much to me. I tried hard to be good. But being on the team also taught me so much more. It taught me to be more responsible, by telling coach whenever I needed to miss a practice or a game because of other commitments. It taught me to strive to do better. It taught me how to work with other people. I'm so thankful we had such a great captain this year, because Kara's worth ethic truly inspires me. I got really mad during the second game because I made so many mistakes (this was the first time I got so down on myself, ever) and I guess coach saw that, and she had a little talk with me before the third game, and I almost cried. Being a girl sucks. But seeing coach tear up and say her little speech at the end of the game made me really sad, too. Because she DID watch all of us grow. It must be so amazing and rewarding to be a teacher.
This entire experience has helped me become a better person, and I wish I had taken it even more seriously and tried even harder. I could sit here and regret what could've been done, or I could put my efforts into post-season, to ensure that the team is better next year. That's how I can give back.
And I blocked, FINALLY. It was kind of a fail block because the fall slipped past my fingers, but it took my short ass 4 years to do that -___- lol